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The cops being from the same neighborhood that they patrol is a biggy. Pity it's not like that all over now.
Regarding Tricky Dicky, you might find this hard to believe but I was in a seminar, with Chomsky as a speaker. He referred to Nixon as the last progressive president. I laughed out loud thinking that he was joking - but he was deadly serious. He singled me out with a whole list of stuff he'd done which painted him as doing lots that were good - thawing rellations with China being the only one I can remember right now. (NB Nixon dropping the Gold Standard obviously wasn't one of them though...)
Fireworks from Chinatown kinda figures as I think they invented gunpowder - but used it way back then only for fireworks and never progressed to using it with the military.
Simpler days indeed!
šŸŽ† Have a great 4th Siggy šŸŽ†
You know, I heard the same thing about Nixon. China was huge, but also environmental, welfare, healthcare, civil rights. I had no idea either. Thanks for the good wishes, and shoot off a few šŸŽ† for me!
Wait. I just reread your post. You had this conversation with Chomsky? We need more details!
Sadly, far from it.
I was just sitting a few rows from the front - probably in an audience of hundreds. Chomsky heard me guffaw, when he commented about Nixon, turned, saw who was grinning and shot all of the details you'd just remember at me as I probably shrank down in my seat for the rest of the talk...
He's a walking encyclopedia (and he must have had pretty good eyesight too!)
Great story! I can't believe that guy is still alive. I don't want you to dox yourself, but about how long ago was this?
Only twenty years ago.
I couldn't have dropped too low in my seat as I remember that I later raised my hand during questions (no idea what I asked - but it was provably cocky in some way) and was promptly shot down again.
Great story! Whenever I think of him I'm reminded of this sad tale: https://www.dissentmagazine.org/online_articles/the-sad-story-of-nim-chimpsky/
I know it's a bit off topic
['Face wince from animal cruelty and professional jealousy' emoji]
I had heard stories and brief footage about Nim - I sensed he was more a product of professional jealousy and meanness rather than of science. Sadly it was true then... Poor little fella.
Changing the tone, if you ever get the chance to watch Muppet Mania on Disney. Its got lots of jokes and references to the sixties/seventies. I'm sure your daughter would get into it too (if she hasn't already).
Plenty of wholesome animal stuff there!