['Face wince from animal cruelty and professional jealousy' emoji]
I had heard stories and brief footage about Nim - I sensed he was more a product of professional jealousy and meanness rather than of science. Sadly it was true then... Poor little fella.
Changing the tone, if you ever get the chance to watch Muppet Mania on Disney. Its got lots of jokes and references to the sixties/seventies. I'm sure your daughter would get into it too (if she hasn't already).
Plenty of wholesome animal stuff there!
I'll take your recommendation and watch. Thanks
Actually it's called Muppet Mayhem (in reference to The Electric Mayhem band). Sorry Siggy, my bad.
The show is recent, right? I found it. Thanks
You got it - yep, very recent (and easily the best they've done since Jim passed.
'tis a pleasure.