This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
How are our wizardy friends from France?. Wish you safety.
Stacking freedom money to cold storage!
It is Canada day today here in the CRC (communist republic of Canada). I could spend the day, like many brainwashed Canadians, watching the festivities on CBC (communist broadcasting corp) and waiting for Chairperson (we aren't allowed to say man anymore) Trudeau to honour us with a speech about Canada's diversity. But I think I will watch baseball, bbq and hang out with the family instead.
thinking (seriously) about asking for the bills at work and start selling denim clothes from home. I don't know if it will work but I'll never know if I try... Does any entrepreneur have tips for starting a humble business?
I have started 3 businesses. Last one I sold was doing over 2M in revenue/yr prior to covid lockdowns. Please feel free to email me at and I will give you any advice I can.
Can you start it as a side hussle? Evening/weekends working on this while working your main job? Get things established and set yourself up.
My 2 sats; it is easier to scale a small business and grow its profitability to provide you an income than launch a business and need it to be profitable from the get-go.
I already do it that way, 12 hours at work (9hr of workload and 3hr to move by bicycle, approx 1:30 go/return). 1hr to prepare dinner, 3hr or more sewing and the time left is for sleep. on saturday i only work 4hrs and that's when i can dedicate myself and produce more.
Great effort. You are certainly putting the time in then already! Are your production systems maximised? Are you selling everything and do your sales channels have capacity (and appetite) for more?
Good morning gang!! It's Saturday and what a week.. Ups and downs, remember to DCA and take profit, and most importantly, hodl, hope your week was amazing and your weekend more relaxing, for me it will be to do some fixes in the house and start thinking about what to do for lunch, thinking about some pasta and salad, I wish you a glorious Saturday, may your day be filled with love. Be well and stay frosty gang.
Have a great weekend coach.
You as well my friend, enjoy it to the fullest and stay frosty!!
Today I'm going to cut my hair a bit✂️
Day 77 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
No snail…. check Bitcoin price…
Stay squelchy and stack slime!
I've been in Germany for 10 days visiting clients in 5 different regions of the country. What makes me stunned is that the vast majority of the people keeps ignoring the econ desaster of this country. My thesis: they will be the last to wake up to the debasement of their currency and the last to adopt btc. Sad to see (at least for me as a german that still has (orange pilled) family there). Have a nice week-end guys and girls!
The amount of brain wash on German media channels is insane, and noone is talking about this. Very few can escape this.
I know. I am running a small media company.... they reached another dimension of propaganda. The climate hype is next level insanity
That's interesting. I kinda figured the Germans would be more dialed into this sorta stuff given what happened during the Weimar Republic.
Here in the UK I'm not sure many get it either.
Hi. There is still this myth of the experience of hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic circulating in the Feuilletons. But believe me: literally nobody (except of highly educated 1%) has any clue of what You're talking about. They are running blind into the next desaster. Germans are cash savers
Really! They don't even teach about it in school?
Maybe it's part of history class for the 16 years old. But You how it is today: You forget this stuff faster than You can fill it in the little brains. Family in general is a total fallout. The total welfare state kills the spirit of ambition and education