This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Vitalik insinuates on Twitter that exchanges will delist most coins except ETH
Back from my mini family vacation to Niagara Falls. A good time was had by all except the dog. Too loud for her. Expensive place but worth it to take the kiddos for some fun. Still have a few bucks left to throw at the etf dip this morning so all is good.
Buying Freedom $ to cold storage! Happy 4th all!
Hi everyone!! The weekend is here and you know what that means, time to relax and let the whales do their thing, it was a fast week and summer is almost here, so you deserve some ME time, go do something you truly enjoy doing or something you want to eat or have, pamper yourself because it was a hard working week so what a better way to say thank you to yourself than having a treat. For me it will be some time with the wife by the beach or do some grilling on the pool. Not sure yet but it will be something good, I wish you the best this weekend and remember that you matter and that you are important, always. Be well and stay frosty!
After an 82 day run I lost my cowboy hat. I am heartbroken šŸ’”
I'm sad for you, but also happy that I'm one step closer to being top cowboy.
It's back on
Life Pro Tip: If you think about water, just get a glass and drink it and be done with it.
That's the best way to keep you hydrated without thinking too much of it.
This reminds me of that one time when I went with a friend to donate blood. She never donated blood before and was a little worried. It's recommended to drink 1-2l of water before so she drank a lot.
The donation passed without issues and afterwards she said she never felt so good in her life. We were talking about that it may be because of how much water she drank since she like me usually does not drink much.
i started last week to read CyptoEconomics from Eric Voskuil, adviced by severals bitcoiners and it s awesome but It s harder to understand that i though ( need background in econony, bitcoin, vocabulary...)
Stillness is the key in life and bitcoin
Lost my cowboy hat today... How does that work? I need to post at least every 24 hours?
Just mess around and find out. Clue: It's gonna take a certain amount of sats each day
Haha it's given out for tipping? Like, tipping a hat at a stranger?
I tipped yesterday and still lost it šŸ˜¢
So what's the shtick?
It's an open secret
Havenā€™t seen the snailā€¦.. check Bitcoin priceā€¦.
Day 76 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.