Good post. It's interesting to me how rudeness and (sometimes contrived) anger seems like the default mode of communication online. Very often it is an obvious power play, but sometimes it seems that people just enjoy being assholes.
I also like this idea of a simplified language for basic communication. I want to learn more.
Yes people enjoy being assholes, but that still fits into this linguistic power dynamic I think. They enjoy feeling like they've established power over people if not in authority, then in knowledge. "Gotchas" and all that.
This is the video series I'm using to learn it:
I'll check out the links. Yeah, I agree it often fits into the power dynamic theory. There have been times online when I have come down hard on someone who said something wrong out of ignorance, and I wound up feeling like a bully. It's a selfish reaction that makes you look like a jerk and accomplishes nothing.