Too much noise around this obscure "service". What about ? What about who scrutinize the scrutinizers?
I don't consider a "must use" this walletscrutinity. They do a lot of shitcoining to have a red flag about their "services".
I go for more simple rules when I choose a wallet.
  • bitcoin only. No excuse for shitcoins
  • is it listed on
  • is it FOSS with repository on github?
  • is it providing apk direct download from github? That means no google services involved required.
  • do they have support answering to request in a decent time?
  • do they have more devs verifying the code?
  • test it and see for yourself what features and how it works. Restore funds check the procedures, try to restore it in other apps. If you know how bitcoin works you will know if is a good app or garbage.
But people today are retarded. They just follow " influencers" like NPCs.