Thanks to Youtube terminating the BItcoin Magazine Youtube account, at least one SN post has since occurred that uses a link for a video on an alternative Video sharing platform, Rumble.
And this isn't the first time a Rumble video link has been shared in a post on SN. Here's one by @k00b just a week ago:
and others in bitcoin are on Rumble, such as TFTC / Marty Bent:
I couldn't easily find market share to say what position Rumble ranked in popularity, ... but they are a public company now, so I would guess if not #2 or #3, they would be in the top 5 for sure.
So, my assumption is this won't be the last Link post on SN where the link is for a Rumble video, and thus I am requesting that SN add Embed support for Link posts that have a Rumble video URL. I have already created an Issue for this on Github, Issue #134.
So that makes Rumble the second outstanding video embed request, with Peertube (e.g., for embed support for URLs) being the other one (see Github Issue #107). I know there's a half dozen or more other video sharing platforms... Vimeo, LBRY, Bitchute, and that doesn't even include those known mostly only for a specific region or a specific language. So I don't know where this embed support reasonably ends, but I think with Youtube's censorship and de-platforming not going away, support for Rumble embed -- along with Peertube, would be the most widely used alternatives.