This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Thanks to Youtube terminating the BItcoin Magazine Youtube account, at least one SN post has since occurred that uses a link for a video on an alternative Video sharing platform, Rumble.
And this isn't the first time a Rumble video link has been shared in a post on SN. Here's one by @k00b just a week ago:
and others in bitcoin are on Rumble, such as TFTC / Marty Bent:
I couldn't easily find market share to say what position Rumble ranked in popularity, ... but they are a public company now, so I would guess if not #2 or #3, they would be in the top 5 for sure.
So, my assumption is this won't be the last Link post on SN where the link is for a Rumble video, and thus I am requesting that SN add Embed support for Link posts that have a Rumble video URL. I have already created an Issue for this on Github, Issue #134.
So that makes Rumble the second outstanding video embed request, with Peertube (e.g., for embed support for URLs) being the other one (see Github Issue #107). I know there's a half dozen or more other video sharing platforms... Vimeo, LBRY, Bitchute, and that doesn't even include those known mostly only for a specific region or a specific language. So I don't know where this embed support reasonably ends, but I think with Youtube's censorship and de-platforming not going away, support for Rumble embed -- along with Peertube, would be the most widely used alternatives.
This Stacker News thing is getting to be interesting.
SN is starting to scoop not just general online media (e.g., MSN, NY Times, etc.) and even our industry media (CoinDesk, etc.), and most of the competitors (e.g., Reddit r/Bitcoin), ... but SN is now starting to scoop even the sources of the news as well!!
Here's an example: Voltage put out a blog post. What's the first (and currently only) Tweet that has that post?

Here's another example. Zeus LN wallet had a video on BitcoinTV yesterday. I posted it here on LN. Zeus hadn't Tweeted it until today!
📺 Zeus Promo | @ZeusLN #18381
Ah, I think I see what happened:
Blog url fix in a few minutes. Product pages are live. Standby. 🤝
If a Tweet has a URL that gives a 404 or otherwise is invalid, I don't think Twitter returns that Tweet in a search for that URL. If the URL later became valid, the link for the Tweet would then work, but as far as search goes, that Tweet didn't have that link. At least that's what I'm remembering from some other previous experience. Who knows.
My point remains. ... at this moment, searching for that blog post URL (or the title of the blog post instead) will yield the Tweet from the SN feed, and not anything from the source, @voltage_cloud.
@Voltage is their handle I believe
Can’t work streaming the conference on the job. Please forgive me taxpayers