In this example, I own a house and you own a Bitcoin. If you buy the house you are giving me your Bitcoin and I give you the house.
Value has exchanged hands but there is there is still the same amount of value in the economy.
Ok so if 1 BTC is being traded for 1 home, the BTC in the economy represents half of the economy’s wealth… right?
are you saying no value can ever exist if it is not represented by bitcoin?
If we refer back to the base equation it becomes simple.
∞ / 21M
Everything / ₿
All Assets + Money + Energy / ₿
If it is not ₿itcoin, the only place it belongs is on the left. Part of ∞.
in the example above, homes are part of the denominator, not the numerator. i believe the same is true for all other assets too.