Kennedy is going to put progressive Bitcoiners in a pinch. He is a legitimate nutter. He has many crazy ideas and quite a few that are easily, probably wrong. He probably has a handful of positions that disqualify him to many Dem voters. However, as a progressive near-maximalist myself, he also has some good ideas, particularly regarding $BTC, CBDC’s, and financial privacy and freedom. Im a progressive sue to social views that I will not budge on (LGBTQ rights and abortion), but damn the financial cooks like Warren and her anti-crypto army are so disheartening. I’m not sure how moral people could object to other people living their lives as trans or gay or whatever. I’m also not sure how intelligent people could oppose the financial freedom from fiat debasement and Fed control that Bitcoin provides. I wish there was a political party for socially liberal and fiscally moderate/libertarian. Just not in the cards in the US.