Don't you just love how everything is either critical to democracy or fatal to democracy. Its all so tiresome. To compare and link bitcoin to democracy is an insult to bitcoin. Bitcoin is freedom.
Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people.
~ Oscar Wilde
Democracy is people that run businesses well being forced to run businesses poorly by people can't run businesses at all.
~ Michael Malice
The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of democracy, a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not dream of escape. A system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, slaves would love their servitude.
~ Aldous Huxley
...the line of demarcation between liberalism and autocracy is purely imaginary, the sole difference being that the people under autocracy know that they are enslaved, and love liberty to such an extent that they would fight and die for it, while the people in a democracy imagine that they are free and are content in their bondage.
~ Emma Goldman
Bitcoin is NOT an exercise of democracy. Bitcoin is an exercise of getting rid of all politicians and bloodsucker like him. ANYBODY that want to be a top political figure, only want power and how to fuck the others.
A true "democracy" is when those that want to be some kind of "rulers" will LITERALLY PAY WITH THEIR HEAD if they will do something wrong. And you will see then how "many" will come to get the chair of a "president"... They go for a political chair just because they know will not have to be responsible for any damage they will do to the rest of the people.
Please, I recommend to all of you to watch this short animated video and think again about "democracy".
Yep, great video @DarthCoin.
I am as excited by RFK Jr.'s support of bitcoin as everyone else in the community, but I have concerns.
  1. He is a politician at his core. It's in his blood. There is the strong possibility that he sees bitcoin as another constituency he can make campaign promises to which he has no intention of following through on in the unlikely event he gets elected.
  2. He has been an environmentalist his whole life. That in itself isn't a bad thing, and he does have nuanced views on regulation that shows a distrust of the government. Still, I can see him as being susceptible to mining fud and to a proof of stake argument if he ever actually gets in power.
That being said, since his candidacy is a long shot, I still intend to support him, even if his backing of bitcoin is more politics than real commitment.
I still intend to support him,
LOL you still vote? Only slaves think that with their vote will change something.
You can't vote your way to freedom...
Kennedy is going to put progressive Bitcoiners in a pinch. He is a legitimate nutter. He has many crazy ideas and quite a few that are easily, probably wrong. He probably has a handful of positions that disqualify him to many Dem voters. However, as a progressive near-maximalist myself, he also has some good ideas, particularly regarding $BTC, CBDC’s, and financial privacy and freedom. Im a progressive sue to social views that I will not budge on (LGBTQ rights and abortion), but damn the financial cooks like Warren and her anti-crypto army are so disheartening. I’m not sure how moral people could object to other people living their lives as trans or gay or whatever. I’m also not sure how intelligent people could oppose the financial freedom from fiat debasement and Fed control that Bitcoin provides. I wish there was a political party for socially liberal and fiscally moderate/libertarian. Just not in the cards in the US.