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This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Boom just landed a new job today. Cheers! Getting a raise so I can stack more sats!
Nostr is giving me Antonopolous fugue vibes, getting sucked in like a mofo, zapping coffees all around the place, loving the energy, even getting me to finally sign up here. Lfg
This post didn't get much attention but I would love to read more opinions on it: #180471
Just posted a response there. TLDR: video is not good, guy has no idea what he is talking about.
Waiting to hear back on a job interview I had last week. I thought it went well, so hoping for an offer. In the meantime, I'm trying to line up more interviews. Had an HR screening yesterday I thought went decently. This afternoon, I have a call with a recruiter about a position at a mystery company. Tbh, I'm not excited about it, but beggars can't be choosers.
good luck with the job hunting!
Thanks. It's been rough. I feel like I picked the wrong year to go to grad school just to finish in time for all these layoffs.
I feel you bud, when I graduated in 2019 it took me almost half a year of job hunting just to land an interview (went to a good uni, in a good program). Glad that grind is done with
Yeah, I'm at the 5 month mark. To complicate matters, my kid is starting daycare in two weeks, but if I don't have an offer in hand before then, we don't have a way to pay for it, and she goes back to the bottom of the wait-list. Which means she may not be able to start until August.
Sorry if that's TMI. The reality of it all is just hitting me.
Good luck with it all!!
I just found out there is such thing as a 1-bit analog to digital converter sold as a consumer product. 1 bit.
Just trying out to write the program code for the next Bitcoin Halving (fourth halving in 2024) that is using C programming language.
Making the use of The GetBlockSubsidy() function;
CAmount GetBlockSubsidy(int nHeight, const Concensus::Params& consensusParams) { int halvings = nHeight / consensusParams.nSubsidyHalvingInterval; // Force block reward to zero when right shiftis undefined. if (halvings >= 64) return 0; cAmount nSubsidy = 50 * COIN; //Subsidy is cut in half every after 210, 000 blocks which will occur approximately every four years nSubsidy >>= halvings; return nSubsidy }
  1. consensusParams.nSubsidyHalvingInterval means consensus rules everyone on the bitcoin network needs to honour.
  2. consensus.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 210, 000; i.e every 210, 000 blocks a halving occurs
  3. nHeight is the current block height or the number of blocks that have already happen
  4. Soon, we shall reach block 840,000 i.e 210,000*4, At this point (Year 2024) the equation becomes Int halvings = 840,000/210,000; which will give halvings the value of 4 (the fourth time the network shall halved)
  5. if (halvings >= 64) return 0; i.e Force block reward to zero when right shift is undefined and once there have been 64 halvings, there should be no further nSubsidy released cAmount nSubsidy = 50 * COIN; nSubsidy >>= halvings; return nSubsidy; this means that: cAmount nSubsidy = 50 * 100000000; (each coin is divided into 100, 000, 000 units) nSubsidy >>=4; return nSubsidy i.e At the very start, 50 Bitcoin were rewarded for every block found on the network. Then after 210, 000 blocks (first halving) 25 Bitcoin was rewarded. 12.5 Bitcoin reward for the second halving. Third halving which is where we are today, the reward is 6.25 Bitcoin. Therefore, for the fourth halving which is in the year 2024 the reward shall be 3.125 Bitcoin.
Any constructive additions or subtractions are welcome!
Just trying out to write the program code for the next Bitcoin Halving (fourth halving in 2024) that is using C programming language.
I don't get what you are trying to do. But looking at your hints, I would guess you are trying to explain how the function works?
Of course, that's a function of block subsidy and reward halving
Day 34 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Getting ready for day 2 of the big conference? Me neither.
Looked at the agenda same ol people same ol topics. Still have Jack going last on the mainstage.
what conference?
LOL that is not a conference... is a shit show.
what's your favorite conference? does not have to be about bitcoin
I think @DarthCoin was joking!
Are they? This seems like a typical response from @DarthCoin, they remind me of crankysysadmin from reddit
Yes but on the slight chance he wasn't or someone else is reading that comment and is honestly wondering :)