This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I'm DCA today. There is price drop, so I feel good. How about you?
deleted by author
I'm finding a weird copy / paste behavior.
When I copy contents of a comment reply from anyone's profile, the page automatically reloads as if I wanted to view that comment on its own.
e.g., Select text from any comment from the following profile:
Ah yes, list of comments do not distinguish between a select and a drag it looks like.
I'm in the code now. I'll see if I can prevent it easily.
Deploying a fix
LND #7437 adds support for backing up just a single channel to a file.
Seeing stuff like this makes me chuckle and think how simple stuff like this is still getting added to the protocol
Shows we're still early!
One day we will tell the following generations how we lost coins because we didn't backup our channels often enough lol. Or that we used to transact onchain with 1sat/vB!
Facts! Lost more than my fair share of sats πŸ˜†
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.. .-.. .-.. / ... . -. -.. / - .... . / ..-. .. .-. ... - / ..-. . .-- / .-. --- / .-. . ... .--. --- -. -.. / .-- .. - .... /
I’m sorry but wha does this have to do with $PEPE on lightning?
. .-.. .-.. / ... . -. -.. / - .... . / ..-. .. .-. ... - / ..-. . .-- / .-- .... --- / .-. . ..--. --- -. -.. / .-- .. - ....
.... --- .-- .-- --- ..- .-.. -.. -.-- --- ..- ... . -. -.. .. -
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- .... . / ... -. .- .. .-.. / .. ... / .- / .-.. .. . -.-.--
Good morning gang, it's a nice little Friday aka Thursday, all is well and it seems this weekend will be a great time to DCA and hodl, don't forget to take profit, I wish you a wonderful day and lots of success in your endeavors, you are amazing and you are important, be well and stay frosty my friend.
@k00b what’s going on with these dupes? I see them with my posts too
I'll look into it today. We got DOS'd last night but this happens normally too.
This was a regression. The submit button wasn't being disabled properly after submitting. Deploying a fix now.
Good morning gang, it's a nice little Friday aka Thursday, all is well and it seems this weekend will be a great time to DCA and hodl, don't forget to take profit, I wish you a wonderful day and lots of success in your endeavors, you are amazing and you are important, be well and stay frosty my friend.
Just feeling happy for earning some sats instead of fiat today.
This is the first year in recent memory that I'm not excited about the Bitcoin Magazine conference. Except for the 2021 El Salvador announcement, the past few have been pretty boring. The problem might be that I listen to most of the speakers who are featured pretty regularly elsewhere. I always check out a few videos that come out after the event, and maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.
Agreed. There are a couple panels that I will likely stream but for the most part I am fairly disinterested. I thought about going this year, mainly because I have never been to Miami (which is odd, I have been to a bunch of cities in Florida) but not with Bitcoin at these tasty prices. I would rather stack another 10M sats than go to the conference.
I had the same thought. I have spent lots of time on the west coast of Florida, but I've never been to Miami. Every year I think about it, but never pull the trigger.
These type of conferences are boring and are meant only to make noise. Just a bunch of influencers talking same shit they talk on podcasts, without a REAL solution. Will bring some meaningless political figures, trying to fool people that politicians care about Bitcoin (they don't give a shit, they are there to take your fool vote).
For a total nocoiner, maybe these show conferences could give them some interest, but they will learn NOTHING from it.
The important ones are the hackathlons and workshops, those where people could see in real life Bitcoin solutions for their real problems and interact with developers and builders.
I see Adopting Bitcoin (in El Salvador) a better way presenting Bitcoin, even then, too much talking and less workshops, especially in local language, to really help those people to start understanding better what is Bitcoin and how to use it.
IMHO a Bitcoin conference must be ONLY with BTC/LN apps devs and integrators, solutions builders, to show the world, real use cases, real examples, real implementations and how could be done.
Day 33 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.