pull down to refresh

The sooner we can kick the google suite of products the better
Impervious is a WEF spyware browser and in no way better than Chrome ...
good catch.
but hey, there is a silver lining here. let them spend their nwo / wef investment funds building all these ideas and then enterprising anons can just take all best ideas and develop open-source alternatives with better names.
Can’t be true if the code is open source
if it ain't MIT license I don't think I'd use it as a layer 3. Hopefully they're good actors since they're project seems promising
Read the second screenshot in the tweet I attached
I had hopes in this.. Meltem? zomfg, thats a solid NYET.
Took me having to pay close attention to the screen what was going on.
  1. Chase receives notification (top right) that "Mark has invited you to join a party", and Chase accepts
  2. Then Chase gets a Document Collab Request, which he accepts.
  3. Then when editing the document, they do the zoom like thing. w/ Meet
"Real peer-to-peer internet. Actual peer-to-peer. No Zoom, no Google Hangout, no Microsoft Teams, no intermediary."
"So proud of team Imp."
So,,.... looks like there's some more things to look into though:
Impervious is a spook browser of the first order. Enjoy.
Then read this thread:
But, of course, none of that really matters, if this is ends up becoming true:
Incorrect, open source on release.
Does this mean open source like MIT or open source like Umbrel?
Super exciting project. Can't wait to play with this and learn more!
Is it reasonable to think about this 3rd layer as using Lightning for routing instead of TCP/IP or even Tor, with monetary incentives built-in?