I have tried to get an answer to this question a few times on SN without any luck, so I'll give it a shot here. For anyone who uses Swan's auto withdraw function, doesn't it bother you that you must use the same address to withdraw to if you choose to fully automate your withdrawals? Is there a work around?
They don't support xpubs?
as long as you have to give them the address I don't see any practical difference between a single address and a different one every time. Swan knows you. If you wanted to obscure your identity perhaps that address they send to could be a coin mix of some sort, which then allows you to spend those withdrawals from a coin-join.
Does it matter if you always withdraw to the same address or withdraw to a new address each time? Swan has a full record of all your withdrawals and all the addresses associated with the withdraws anyways. If you want privacy, get your coins from non-KYC sources; earn coins from work / selling items or buy coins from p2p non-KYC exchanges. Saying you want privacy while using a full KYC service is just full on LARPing…
Yeah you can just use an xpub but for privacy that isn’t the best as all your addresses will be Doxx to Swan and prime trust.
I started off with address reuse then I loaded an xpub but I deleted that and now I just do manual withdrawals with a fresh address every time the utxo is a good size
Some wallets allow you to create multiple xpubs and each uses a different derivation path I assume.
That's exactly what I do now. I guess it's a good enough solution.
According to this blog post they also allow you to list multiple addresses.