Tyrants will fight and claw and do whatever they can to try to hold onto power; they will do whatever in their power to push away anything that might threaten their power over the people. The thing is, they can control and censor and limit banks, businesses, or corporations; but they cannot control nor censor an idea whose time has come. They cannot prevent people from adopting an idea whose time has come.
Bitcoin is an idea whose time has come; the idea of inviolable property rights, absolute scarcity, complete freedom to transact, fast and secure final value settlement over digital rails. The more governments try to censor and limit bitcoin adoption, the more people will question their motives, and the faster people will adopt bitcoin.
"...they cannot control nor censor an idea whose time has come. They cannot prevent people from adopting an idea whose time has come."
Here, here, my brother or sister. A toast in honor of those beautiful words.
All credit goes to Victor Hugo. I'm just borrowing and paraphrasing his great words.
On résiste à l'invasion des armées; on ne résiste pas à l'invasion des idées.
One resists the invasion of armies; one does not resist the invasion of ideas.
Cheers to Victor Hugo and you, my friend.