Brazil as "B" in BRICS...
They are going to f...k us, plain people - only because we want one thing: the honest, sound money. And no matter if that will be done by: US ally or BRICS ally
It's now or never moment in our life: to vote-out these m...ers, in every coming voting process.
We need to make Bitcoin as central point of voting discussions and this way to have like Nayib Bukele - in as many countries as possible in near future. Let Mexico and US in 2024 be first.
As much as I try to warn people, many are still in favor of this type of control. Bitcoin is our only hope.
You (all) may not be aware of this, but this total control of communication aka censorship force - is spreading very quickly:
"This is a massive attack against freedom of speech"
My god! Very dark times! It's a war of narratives, wokism rising, values ​​like freedom and sanity crumbling.