This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
The UTXO set just smashed through 5GB worth of data. I wonder if in a couple of years you are going to need a 2TB ssd to run a pruned node as is the case with Ethereum
I think Lopp or Rochard made calculations of how fast the chain would grow in size with only max size blocks. It cannot reach Eth levels...
It grew 200mb over the last 30 days
So? Block size is capped at 4mb I think. That's max 200GB per year, forever..
Journalists are gonna be the first to lose their jobs due to AI. People are gonna start submitting fake videos to newspapers and the journalists be ruined after all their major stories are proven fake.
They have been doing this for a long time.
Many articles and videos have been created automatically
Anyone else having trouble funding their SN account via CashApp? Just had 2 failed attempts to send 10k, then 5k sats to my account via generated invoice. Was able to send via strike...
Reviving the ol' iPhone SE... it's only smol
Have some busy work to do over at my parent's house today and then tonight my wife and I are taking the kiddos to see the super mario movie.
Happy day. Just got my friend to get a Trezor and remove his bitcoin from 3 exchanges. One soul at a time
Hopefully it doesn't end like this one
Let's hope not.
God's work.
Well, I am currently in a debate with my maximalist colleague @DarthCoin talking about the price/value of Bitcoin
You can't be a maximalist if your mind is still thinking in fiat...
Wise words
I am still newbie to BTC. I am in the learning process. In fact, I am on this Platform to learn more from all users.
@DarthCoin, I didn't find a meme I wanted to show my family which asked why we should move away from Google for our cloud storage.
It's about people loving revolutions in movies but are to lazy to do something in real life.
I have found but it seems incomplete. Can you help me?
Tell them to use a NAS like QNAP or Synology and have their own "cloud" at home. You can even run an email server, with your own domain on it. No more fucking Google shit. Hmmm maybe I would write a guide about that scenario, even that is not so Bitcoin related.
but it seems incomplete
is not. That section is only with Darth related memes, with a short explanation.
Tell them to use a NAS like QNAP or Synology and have their own "cloud" at home.
I wanted to just host Nextcloud on a mini-PC and attach a regular external hard drive to it + configuring of /etc/fstab such that it will automount during reboots etc.
You think that will work nice, too? What's the use case for dedicated NAS? Convenience?
Nextcloud also is a good option.
Day 18 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Subs are obv a nice addition and much appreciated (feels good to be heard ;-). Thanks. But now comes the tricky part:
1/ What will be the next subs? Since Bitcoin and Nostr are covered, you can only add non-Bitcoin-related topics...
2/ How (and by whom) will new subs be created? SN creators, community voting?
I would suggest that anybody should be allowed to open a new sub, BUT with two conditions: a/ You need to pay a high fee to create the sub (say 100k sats) b/ Subs that don't reach a certain threshold of engagement after a week/month (number of posts and/or amount of sats tipped, TBD) are automatically terminated and the same subs can't be created for a month.
one thing that has been considered in the past is a monthly recurring fee for anyone who wants to start a sub.
the sun creator would pay up front and would earn all the sats from posting fees and a cut of platform fees.
they’d have a strong incentive to make sure there was enough activity on their sub to justify the expense they incur.
very interesting
I see your point, but I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to live with the current three subs and let users get used to the new features. I already notice posts being placed in the wrong sub, and there are only three choices! Chaos may ensue if further complications are introduced.
Linking your post here so more people see the comments there: #173221
It's Fed decision day! The fact that markets and financial media worldwide are obsessed with what the US central bank will do shows the myth of "U.S. free markets."
Capitalism died a long time ago.
manipulated money, manipulated markets :(