Okay agree with all the theory, from your writings here to the 2 hours of this documentary. Therefore am not a slave
Now can you share practical information?
Regarding money and banks we have the practical answer and that is Bitcoin.
For the rest... How do I drive a car without a license? How do I cross a border without a passport? How do I remove my birth certificate?
Where are the juicy details? I'm bored of theory
The channel description posted a big list of links to study. There you can find your answers.
How do I drive a car without a license? How do I cross a border without a passport? How do I remove my birth certificate?
Just asking this, shows that you just want a "free ticket pass", you are not interested into really being a sovereign individual. You just want to cheat, not to learn.
You're wrong.
I want to learn but I am not a lawyer and I am trying to sense if this rabbit hole is worth my precious time or it's just a bunch of nonsense.
Thank you for the link. I started reading some of that