The fact is that we are the ones out of the cage meanwhile you are still inside. If you choose to stay in the cage, is your choice and we respect it. But don't complain or force me to stay with you in that cage.
I pity people that see every smalltalk topic as a personal attack. It's a little pathetic, don't you think?
Your first comment reads like an example of the minimization BitcoinSanity was talking about, and your second like a snide personal attack on the OP and contributor to the video in question (who was posting pictures of rural retreats and the experience of living outside of metro areas recently, incidentally).
Okay agree with all the theory, from your writings here to the 2 hours of this documentary. Therefore am not a slave
Now can you share practical information?
Regarding money and banks we have the practical answer and that is Bitcoin.
For the rest... How do I drive a car without a license? How do I cross a border without a passport? How do I remove my birth certificate?
Where are the juicy details? I'm bored of theory
The channel description posted a big list of links to study. There you can find your answers.
How do I drive a car without a license? How do I cross a border without a passport? How do I remove my birth certificate?
Just asking this, shows that you just want a "free ticket pass", you are not interested into really being a sovereign individual. You just want to cheat, not to learn.
You're wrong.
I want to learn but I am not a lawyer and I am trying to sense if this rabbit hole is worth my precious time or it's just a bunch of nonsense.
Thank you for the link. I started reading some of that