This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
imagine if airbnb enabled bitcoin payouts. what will it take for these "tech giants" to enable this avenue of payment options? a new CEO?
i think i figured it out. tl;dr this LGBTQ wokeness is an attempt to distract from actual cool things like Bitcoin.
So you have this Budweiser controversy where they had a LGBTQ ad, and it ended up not working out for them. So what happened was they wanted to try something new, and something edgy. So they did a LGBTQ thing. And im actually getting a bit pissed now because why the fk dont they try something bitcoin related if they want to try something new? Maybe budweiser is not the best fit with Bitcoin but still, seems every major company has tried experimenting with the LGBTQ thing.
Wen experiment with the Bitcoin thing?
Okay, real work now
TIL that the encryption protocol used by the Lightning Network was designed by the creators of the Signal Protocol:
Day 10 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Starting to think 2008 was 75% media fear porn for lack of a better term. I mean what went down was amplified by the media and it seemed like it was going to end the world as we know it.
But then compare it to 2023 with svb, frc and signature bank? The bailouts are bigger but a month later its like it never happened
The difference was in 2008, there was actual debate as to whether to bailout the system, so non bailout risk was getting priced in.
Now there is no debate, everyone knows the balance sheet goes to infinity if required. Now when something blows up and the fed says they will step in the market calms down. This will continue to happen until the moment it doesn't and the market doesn't buy what the fed is selling anymore. That's when the real fireworks happen.
Sunday marked Bitcoin Brunch #101 in Miami. I came late, though I didn't expect to come at all due to another engagement. I walked into a full round table, and three more people came after I arrived. I always appreciate meeting new people from the community, though I try to establish their bona fides quickly to head-off any potential shilling and shitcoining. We recently received a banner to make finding the meetup a little easier, donated by BitBlockBoom. Thanks Gary!
Gary's the best!
I learnt more about the fundamentals of the LN today, and it just feels so good to start actually understanding the tech behind off-chain payment channels and how it actively discourages bad actors in the most logical way possible.
As someone who has extremely limited knowledge of most of the technical aspects of this awesome technology, just being able to wrap my head around concepts like this just reinforces my belief in the possibility of a Bitcoin standard some day.
Which sources do you use for learning?
I can recommend the book "Mastering the Lightning Network"
I'll definitely look into that. For the most part my resources have been the LN whitepaper and a search engine for terms I don't understand. As I said, I'm just beginning to grasp the fundamentals, so "Mastering the Lightning Network" seems like a greatly helpful source of information, thank you very much for the suggestion!