This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Started to watch the miniseries "The Pacific" again but this time with my girlfriend.
We're already at part three and she likes it. But some scenes are definitely not easy to watch.
But this is what makes this miniseries so great: It's raw, brutal and honest.
I also feel like the pacific theater is not recognized enough compared to 1944-1945 in Western Europe. A lot already happened during WWII before the Americans landed in Normandy.
As I get older I find it more challenging to watch a lot of this stuff, or anything about military history. It often has a strong Allies-could-do-never-do-anything-wrong bent. Having lived in Japan for many years, I know the other perspective to this: young country kids brainwashed by the military junta to go and die on some rock in the Pacific for some kind of glory, the American trade embargoes that drove Japan to war, and of course the firebombing of civilians.
I choose peace, not war.
Example scene:
It often has a strong Allies-could-do-never-do-anything-wrong bent.
I know what you mean.
However, I think The Pacific is not like that. It shows the slow descend into madness for the soldiers and that the Allies did some terrible stuff, too.
The propaganda is also shown; how the Japanese are dehumanized to make killing them easier
Out of curiosity, anyone here used GSAP (js) to make enriched/interactive timeline widgets for browser? I don't mean like Facebook social timeline, I mean like old school historical timelines (horizontal or vertical), with images and other content context popping up.
Seems like GSAP/Three.js would be a good place to start but given it's a common thing in media, wondering if should do it from scratch in GSAP or if there is something already existing for react/ vanilla js?
Quiet in the old west this morning.
I made a standalone discussion thread about "401K, Fiat, Bitcoin mix" here: #168957 I invite you to comment if interested.
Will check it out.
Day 9 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.