yes. the difference is that all of these swap services and custodial wallets may log details of user activity and be used as means to identifying users but you are correct that the utxo you receive is different than the one you deposit if you go back on chain later
And keep in kind an aspect that few users pay attention: through a 1M sats LN channel (just an example) you can pass through 1000x times more sats. Actually there's no limit. Just by using a private channel and/or trampoline and you have magnitude of privacy that you can't achieve with other tools. But yes, not many users know how to use this method.
I am actually happy that chain analysis are busy with coinjoin/whirlpools/etc meanwhile LN is doing its thing... in silence. :)
when lightning was emerging as a feasible network the founder of electrum referred to it not as a payment network but as a dark network
....and I use a lot electrum with LN trampoline channels. Very good tool.
yes electrum is one of the most unsung lightning implementations. not only is it a completely independent python implementation it is a great desktop client