In regards of using LN for losing trace of your sats I wrote these 2 guides:
  1. buy from an exchange BTC (use all fiat available, no worry, the world is not going to end), preferably from
  2. split the total amount in smaller parts to withdraw, if you buy a big chunk from an exchange
  3. use LN-onchain swaps to convert,,, etc
  4. send your batch from exchange to one of these swaps (or use a LN exchange) to onchain address indicated
  5. have prepared a LN wallet to receive the converted sats (from onchain to LN): Blixt, SBW, BW, Breez, Electrum, Zeus, Zap etc
  6. Make the swap and receive into your LN wallet / LN node.
Alternatives directly on LN, privately, fast ⚡️ RoboSats - P2P Full private Exchange over Tor, LN escrow (HODL invoice) ⚡️ - Telegram bot buy/sell P2P through LN ⚡️ - Telegram Bot buy BTC on LN