There are a growing number of people who have understood the system and refuse to play the fiat game. These people call themselves Bitcoiners.
We, Bitcoiners, do not buy paper assets or invest in real estate for rent, we do not care about the stock exchange and what is said, we just accumulate Bitcoin.
We run nodes and are concerned about giving robustness and reliability to the network. Some of us also mine Bitcoin, contributing to the security of our chosen network, and in some cases we use energy that the system would throw away.
We understand how broken the current system is and we have a plan on what to do about that.
We are many, and our number grows as we do our best to educate the majority about the true nature of the fiat trap.
We are ruthless. We're not going to stop! Many have no intention of giving up and intend to pass on knowledge to future generations. By understanding about the fiat beast, most of us flip a switch and unlock other skills, so we learn to be healthy, we care about others, we elevate ourselves spiritually and we want, in fact, to become better human beings, rebuilding ourselves to then rebuild the world.
We will receive the award for the work of strengthening our body and mind and, in addition, for our low temporal preference. We are building, we strive to create real value for ourselves and our bubble, hoping to accumulate more Bitcoin in the process.
While the world seems to be burning around us... we sleep well at night knowing that no one can steal our sweaty economies because we are sovereign.
We are insensitive to the fiat price of Bitcoin and just want to see our number of sats increase.
We trust mathematics and physics, because they have never disappointed us before.
We are Bitcoiners and we are making Bitcoin inevitable.
We’re going further because we're going together!
Strong as ever. Into the mouth of hell. We ride.
There are a growing number of people who have understood the system and refuse to play the fiat game. These people call themselves Bitcoiners.
Sorry to pop your bubble here but everyone with a minimum of financial literacy understands how inflation, Cantillon-effect work. And the inner workings of the fiat system aren't a secret either.
The vast majority of these people are not Bitcoiners (yet). They have been profiting of the fiat system by investing in e.g. stocks and real estate for decades.
You could say that they are still playing the fiat game by exploiting it instead of being its victim. But you could just as well say that they aren't playing the fiat game. The difference is negligible.
Good points.
One difference between Bitcoiners and the fiat-game exploiters is that Bitcoiners are actively working to take down the fiat system whereas the former are helping to prop up the system. Even if they're only in it to exploit it, they are supporting it by doing so. Perpetuating it.
Using and holding Bitcoin instead of fiat makes the fiat system weaker. I think this is a more than negligible difference.
One difference between Bitcoiners and the fiat-game exploiters is that Bitcoiners are actively working to take down the fiat system
Are they? 😂😂 The difference between ”escaping from” and "working to take down" is a perspective thing at best.
One difference between Bitcoiners and the fiat-game exploiters is that Bitcoiners are actively working to take down the fiat system
Are they? 😂😂 The difference between ”escaping from” and "working to take down" is a perspective thing at best.
This is the way.
Very well said and well written! A keeper. Thanks
You're making a lot of claims for a lot of people who you don't know.
Bitcoin doesn't need gatekeepers. Bitcoin is for everyone, even people who don't hold the same ideology as you.
We are ruthless. We're not going to stop!
That's the line that defines us.
I have a slightly different take on some of your points here and feel a need to share them as I consider myself a "Bitcoiner" but I do not conform to your assessment of me (as a Bitcoiner) here and offer the following as perhaps a more nuanced view. It is not that what you have stated is wrong or anything as it is your perspective and I respect and appreciate it... Rather it is to perhaps provide you with an alternative perspective from me as another Bitcoiner.
I recognize the FIAT game as the System or "CODE" humanity has evolved upon and I recognize the downfalls of that system.
I have and will continue to purchase assets which I believe have a "store of value" in them in FIAT terms and do my best to transfer that value into Bitcoin...this is just one of the methods we as Bitcoiners must utilize in order to demonetize (in FIAT terms) the current system. This methodical and orderly fashion of demonetization will help secure the robustness, reliability, and decentralization of the network. Bitcoiners will look for businesses operating under a Bitcoin standard and even more so businesses that are providing additional value to the network and not simply just those looking to tear down what has currently been built.
I agree with you that I will not stop, and likely many of us will not stop...we will strive to create value...but rather than for ourselves...we will create value for the network. Everything we do must ensure the network succeeds...our needs come second (though they certainly come as long as we provide security and value to the network). The network does not care about our individual successes or failures, the network simply operates as it was written. Everything built on top of the base layer must assure the base layer remains decentralized and secure or it that layer will will take time to determine what layers succeed and which fail....that is a beautiful emergent behavior of the base layer...all layers built upon it must be aligned with it or adapt to it or they will be destined to fail.
We don't need to see the number of our sats increase as we have the number of sats we should...we instead want to ensure the success of the network to ensure that our sats hold their value over time...this is a very important difference.
For what its worth....this is my two sats.
As a bitcoiner, my mission is to use bitcoin to bring down the current fiat monetary system to its knees. In order to make our world a better place for us and our descendants, we must get rid of the fiat system and then actively push for the mass adoption of the bitcoin standard.

What would be the value of bitcoin if most of the bitcoin transactions of 49 Billiion Dollar moves from CEX to own wallets?

We as bitcoiners should learn not to keep bitcoin in CEX but in own wallets. Be your own banks.
Daily bitcoin volume in CEX is 49 billion USD
On chain volume of bitcoin 7 day moving average is at 20 billion USD whereas the peak on chain volume was 337 billion USD
Most of the other parameters are at all time high
Daily average 468000 new bitcoin addresses created each day
6.54 million bitcoin accounts with balances higher than 1000 USD
138 million USD per day transactions over lightning network
Hashing capacity of network at 324 EH/s all time high
I don’t really know how it works, but miners would still sell coins to CEX as I understand
The period of pain seems to be over, Bitcoin is going up in price. These 2 years have been the most painful period of Bitcoin and I'm proud of having held through it unwaveringly.
These 2 years have been the most painful period of Bitcoin
Bold statement
You must be new here.
I use bitcoin to send money over the internet.
lets ride
Bitcoiners practice self sovereignty
fucking zap, bro.
Great Letter, sadly many ppl still not understand many of these lines. We r now gonna recieve so much pressure from the goverments so it's time to assemble Bitcoiners.
That couldn't be said more better. The only way "fresh air" is to get out of fiat tangled choking trap. 👍🏻