This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I think we should start a campaign that advocates for buying 1 BTC. Its an insurance, its low risk high reward. For example that 1 BTC can grow to be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. And its something most people who are saving for retirement can afford at the moment, its something most businesses can afford to have on their balance sheet. And if it goes to $0 it wont likely put them out of business or anything but on the flipside it can help them if there are any issues with the banks and it can also help them by being a good investment if it increases it value. So i would like to start a campaign that advocates for owning 1 BTC
Their best way to make crypto fail seems to be to pump it to obscene levels and then dumping it, over and over while creating thousands of alt coins and pitting them against each other and then hoping people and businesses will eventually demand stability and peace and a cbdc will be implemented?
Once you realize how money works, you realize how amazing and revolutionary Bitcoin is.
All the current news about banks not giving money to the people that gave the money to them is a reminder that money in the bank is not your money.
Not your keys, not your coins is real in the fiat world as well.
Prompting AI to give me poems about spaceships:
In lofty space where stars doth shine, Where comets fly and planets align, There floats a ship of metal hue, Whose purpose great and mission true.
With sails of silver, and engines of fire, It traverses space and time entire, Its crew of valiant men and women bold, Who seek new worlds and stories yet untold.
O, how they journey through the void so vast, Their eyes alight with wonder that doth last, As they explore strange new worlds afar, And reach for heights beyond a star.
Their ship, a beacon in the endless night, A symbol of man's unyielding might, A testament to his unending quest, For knowledge, adventure, and conquest.
So here's to spaceships, those wondrous things, Whose sails and engines take to the wings, And carry us forth to uncharted lands, To boldly go where no one's gone before, with hands.
Lost my blockstream Jade wallet! I have no clue where it went it’s in this damn house somewhere. But I opened my back up loaded my seed and all my funds were there.
Now where is the first one?!? This is going to bother me over the next few days
Stacking sats and helping my little one with her ABC mouse lessons. Thinking about the wave of contagion about to hit the finance sector.
The GOP's "War on cartels" is not a war on the cartels its a war on you. More survailance, more military police, more taxes. Meanwhile the drugs enter the country as usual and can be found literally everywhere. So uhm GOP is cancer. Just lift the ban and the cartels will literally disintegrate. But they are too stupid or corrupt to realise this. Sad
Do you have a bug out bag all packed and ready to go in case SHTF? I do, but after listening to this I need to make some changes. Not a brand new podcast but I thought it was informative.
I don't know if that podcast goes over it (the description suggests they don't), but a really important aspect of bugging out is having a place to go to. A lot of people build bugout bags, but never prepare a place to bugout to (e.g. a friend's house in the country).
They don’t in the podcast but i agree. I have a bag but don’t have a definitive destination! And that arguably more important!
Now Iran and Saudi Arabia are renewing ties and China brokered the deal? This is turning into a crazy news day. Not good for US dollar hegemony. Israel will also feel threatened.
Cowboy hat streak going strong now, 365 days will be my goal for now
Nice, I decided to stop for a bit, was getting too addicted to it.
Wondering how bad things have to get in Canada before people start targeting politicians and journalists tbh... we've had a lot of random citizen-on-citizen violence and mental health based incidents to the point there are frequent (multiple per week) random attacks on the transit system and they've dispatched more patrol cops
Things are very bleak in Canada. Send your envoys guys tell your friends we need to be liberated lol
Last day of school this term. Slogged it out as the emcee for Awards Day ceremony. Finished everything on my to-do list. Ushering in the holidays n can’t wait to spend more time on Stacker News next week!
why is some SN posts grayed out?
You clicked on them already
I'm watching Silicon Valley Bank, down another 40% pre market this morning. The dominoes may start falling. I'm getting ready to scoop sats with both hands.
When you missed #Zapathon yesterday, you have a chance to join today.
Let's go!
whats zapathon??
Going crazy with zaps on nostr especially for the devs.
Here some basic preparations for this.
Buying the dip, working the day job and reading The Bitcoin Standard. Have a great day!
Stack sats, stay humble.
This is the way!
Exactly, this is the way. Keep stacking!