If the goal is just to hide your final wallet address, you could just do a coinjoin when either submarine swap out of muun or any submarine swap for that matter.
But is the coinjoin even necessary? When withdrawing via LN from Kraken to Muun, Kraken doesn't see my Muun on-chain address, and Muun is no-KYC. So can't I just submarine swap out of Muun directly to my final wallet address without any extra steps?
They likely can link it to your address on chain, you'll have to reveal the payment preimage on chain and kraken could see that and know what transaction you used to receive on chain
Muun is still creating an on-chain transaction for you, with their node so they have your final wallet address along with whatever swap provider so if you're fine with them having your final address
When in doubt, or not using your own node and channels, CoinJoin!