Still think that people are going to bugger it up and we'll see many people moving sats around not having a clue an inscription is attached to it
Things could truly get messy in that regard. Imagine accidentally sending an ordinal to a wallet that is not ordinal-aware, as part of a payment. Even if you could convince the owner of that wallet to send it back, there is a reasonable chance that the recipient's wallet won't have the coin-control functions needed to ensure the right UTXO is returned. Yikes, lol.
Lol exactly it's going to be quite the balls up, and not to mention if that sat somehow gets moved into an LN channel and its pinging around. I am pretty sure we will have plenty of ordinal horror stories, because its a hack job set up, people couldn't even handle tokens in a centralised database like eth and solana, how are they going to handle this?
people are retarded
Lol that's where the yield comes from