There are a lot of hurdles to overcome, for sure - and the recent Damus App Store approval exploded usage in a negative way - of all the newcomers, maybe just 5-10% are Bitcoiners. Perhaps a similarly small amount are non-spammers.
But the 10% of Bitcoiners that are there are very high signal. Much better than your average Twitter browsing session. There is a newfound sense of community which is very, very valuable.
Adding to your point. I have personally spoke with a newcomer on Nostr via Global Chat and she was only on Nostr because her brother is in IT and he spoke about it and she was bored of twitter. She didnt know anything about Bitcoin and was worried that it was a requirement to use Nostr.
The very next day, she had a LN wallet and was happy to have some Sats and learning about BTC.
I believe that Nostr will help educate people to the LN.