Gotcha. I see what you are saying. IMHO Still a lot to ask of Dick over at Dicks Primal Burger for his 30 burgers a week, better from a custody point of view yes. My main point is if I drew a "hard line" that LSP was "doing it wrong" it would cut out a big group who are just trying to figure this stuff out without a gigantic time and knowledge investment. When we draw hard lines we reduce Bitcoin's reach, and to be honest I feel like some people who say things like that are virtual signaling how pure a Bitcoiner they are.
Its not though. Its really not. Look Dick needs card and bitcoin point of sale built into the same system and the only options he has for that is clover, strike, chivo. Otherwise he'd have to use square and open node, but the larger point is that its possible and easy, just needs built but stobbern middle men who think only custodial can be easy will never provide it for them.
Nope, he is just using rapaygo and printed LNURL QR cards on his laser printer. It took him 30m to set it up using our website, and people were buying burgers with bitcoin day of. He doesnt try to tie it into clover, and we got him a ledger for his windows desktop and he drained his raypago balance to it at the end of the day.
Yo rapaygo! Been a while since I seen you on the site lol