This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Site feels kind of slow intermittently. Response times are averaging 200ms which is not good ... servers and db have plenty of memory and CPU utilization is low. I'll need to keep monitoring.
Stock Markets and BTC roaring today... what gives?
My guess is that more war means more money printing (silent tax on people), which means raising prices of assets...
I've been experimenting with Docker, DuckDNS, Wireguard, and PiHole so I can connect to my Umbrel node over VPN. I set up SBW to connect to the Umbrel via its IP address and the appropriate port. I'm running into issues with Zap though. PiHole can't seem to resolve the umbrel.local hostname. Other than that, my setup is working like a charm!
Anyone have any tips for my Zap issue? I'm thinking about dropping PiHole entirely since everything I have has a built in adblocker anyways.
Try just going to http://umbrel/ (and try that in incognito window)
Tried and unfortunately it didn't take. I did add http://umbrel.lan/ to my list of custom names in Pi Hole and that let me access it through the browser. Zap doesn't like either one because the certificate is for umbrel.local
How does someone not already registered get an account?
Trying to login with a Twitter account that hasn't already been registered gives an error 500 message.