What a brilliant way to have smaller amount of funds available for the family. While it restricts any one person from spending, it does allow any 2 people to spend. Kind of a checks and balance so no one person can spend it all without at least one other person of the group knowing about it. Normally a multisig requires the first spender to send the transaction to a second spender in order for it to be fully approved before broadcasting the transaction. Just thinking about how to test this without putting too many sats at risk. Perhaps setup a 2 of 4 wallet in Bluewallet. Then have 2 phones with the wallet setup, each with a different approval key. Then try to send a small amount to a different wallet as follows: Phone 1 creates a transaction. Phone 1 sends the transaction to phone 2. Phone 2 approves the transaction. Phone 2 broadcasts the transaction to the network. Payment done.
Happy Bitcoining :)
I am not completely familiar with multisig, but if its something that you can only do on the Bitcoin base layer, then you don't have to worry about testing lighting. If Blue wallet lets you set the node to connect to, you could just run a Bitcoin testnet node locally and do your tests with as many sats as you need.
Don't even need to run test net. Can just run Bitcoin node locally by creating a genesis block too.