No sure its unlike the way Samourai does things for sure. My point of contention is that you're asking for a block that contains thousands of transactions, the second block you request also has thousands of transactions, but how many of those transactions are going to contain same address as the last block you requested? And then the third and the fourth and the 5th. I mean I guess you could say "just don't reuse addresses" and sure, but even if you send Bitcoin to yourself the server you're requesting these blocks from can put 2 and 2 together.
“but how many of those transactions are going to contain same address”
One of many reasons why you don't reuse addresses...
If you aren't reusing addresses, this is a total non issue. And reusing the same server over and over again is not best practice anyway (unless you control it).
Okay so because you're not reusing the same server.
Nothing beats running your own node though.