Watch the entire interview:
Got a time stamp?
Check the video description, I placed time stamps for all the significant moments. You're probably searching for 01:00:50, though :)
The whole interview worth watch. Don't be lazy. Peter is one of the most prominent and old figures in Bitcoin world. A real OG.
All in good time asshole
They get your xpub data?! Fuck that!
If you don't run your own node, some server you sent data to get your balance too knows your balance and knows (if you didn't use a VPN or tor to get the data) your IP.
One of the many reasons to run your own node.
Excellent reminder.
That's not actually true. Neutrino filters don't require you to run your own node, and allow your wallet to privately get balance information in a bandwidth efficient way via only downloading blocks with transactions relevant to you. The Wasabi conjoin wallet, among many others, uses them.
Call me skeptical.
Neutrino filter:
Only downloading blocks with transactions relevant to you => Privately getting balance
I'm not connecting these very well. How is it private if we've revealed our IP to a server (group of servers? Different server for each block?) to download blocks that are revelant to us?
Because there are thousands of transactions in a single block. You haven't revealed what transactions you're actually interested in with any specificity. That's very much unlike systems like Samourai which give away exactly what addresses you own.
No sure its unlike the way Samourai does things for sure. My point of contention is that you're asking for a block that contains thousands of transactions, the second block you request also has thousands of transactions, but how many of those transactions are going to contain same address as the last block you requested? And then the third and the fourth and the 5th. I mean I guess you could say "just don't reuse addresses" and sure, but even if you send Bitcoin to yourself the server you're requesting these blocks from can put 2 and 2 together.
“but how many of those transactions are going to contain same address”
One of many reasons why you don't reuse addresses...
If you aren't reusing addresses, this is a total non issue. And reusing the same server over and over again is not best practice anyway (unless you control it).
Okay so because you're not reusing the same server.
Nothing beats running your own node though.
and they have never tried to use bloom filters or block filters instead just send xpub.
Bloom filters also should not be used, they are bad for privacy. Block filters are the way to go here. That is how Wasabi does this.
In regards what @petertodd said about mobile LN wallets. Peter I suggest you to look into:
With these two you could manage your LN channels in a sovereign way, exactly like with a desktop LN node. And are private channels, that means, as you said in the interview, you don't need to stay online 24/7 and do routing. You just open it and pay. Done.
Breez is running a forked LND and I think will move towards LDK now. Here I wrote an extensive guide about all LN wallets and their features.

@TheVladCostea - you should invite @hampus on your podcast and talk more about his Blixt wallet development. Is a great app!
I learned about Blixt wallet recently; it's now my most used mobile wallet. Though for someone not running a LN node I'd still recommend Phoenix.
Haven't tried out OBW yet.
Try another SBW fork Valet.
Open just regular LN channel if you want to get an impression about how Immortan library is running from UX point of view.
Hey @hampus, what's the best way to contact you?
Hey Vlad! I'm hsjoberg on Telegram.
Been wondering why the Samourai fans don't show up here to defend their data honeypot.
Then I remembered that Stacker News requires you to use the Lightning Network, which they so passionately hate 😂
What are the negative impacts of samorai being able to see your xpubs?
They could see all you incoming and outgoing transactions.
But can they see the incoming & outgoing TX of the "mix to" wallet? As in the final destination of whirlpool
If you don't run your own Dojo node to which Samourai wallet on your phone connects to, they see everything happening in your wallet, they can link your inputs and outputs in Whirlpool coinjoin transactions you participate in. Basically in this (default) scenario you are private against other parties but not private against Samourai.
So samorai can see your UTXOs & Wasabi 2.0 check with chainalysis. What about join market?
Only thing Wasabi 2.0 does is ask third party chainanal tx some info (score) about UTXO when registering it into coinjoin and in worst case will just refuse to mix specific coin (but you can still spend it without coinjoin). But it does not do anything to cluster UTXOs in your wallet together.
JoinMarket doesn't do neither of these. It can't ban UTXOs by design (no single centralized coordinator) and doesn't reqest any blockchain status from third parties. But it requires you to run full node.
In theory, yes. But I can't say for sure.
right on