When will btc-incentivized Bittorrent become a thing?
Okay so ignore invar the idiot.
Do you want bitcoin incentivized bittorrent? How many peers would you pay to host a file? How many sats each?
How are bids and asks for peer to host for an amount of uptime communicated?
Upon settlement, would you open an ln channel to each peer hosting the file? Or would you go through an LSP
These are all sort of developer questions, but they're also questions a developer should ask a user about this kind of thing. What do you as the user want this experience to be like?
As a user I am prepared to pay for a streamed movie or audio. One click to accept the price and then the streaming starts. Similar experience as paying for podcasts with LN.
Some people in LA were developing something along these lines but apparently stopped. Hollywood pressure maybe.
Never and that should raise some red flags. Bitcoin just isn't good enough. It's sound, sure, but it's not light. It's not feasable as a protocol for money transactions because noone can really run it. and it's layer2 is not either caus u still need ro run l1 for that. But let's see.