pull down to refresh

I agree. It just works.. Reliably.. and it’s easy to use
That said, I’ve never tested the recovery kit. Have you?
No, I haven't.
The following text is from the recovery tool read.me, and this is probably the reason why no one has done it. is not easy to do it. but I guess you have the option to do it.

You can use this tool to swipe all the funds in your muun account to an address of your choosing.
To do this you will need:
  • The recovery code, that you set up when you created your muun account
  • The two encrypted private keys that you exported from your muun wallet
  • A destination Bitcoin address where all your funds will be sent
The process of scanning the blockchain to recover your funds can take several hours, please be ready to keep it running. The scan starts at the block your wallet was created to make it faster, but depending on when that was it can take long.


  1. Install golang
  2. Open a terminal window
  3. Run this code:
git clone https://github.com/muun/recovery
cd recovery
go run -mod=vendor .