pull down to refresh

yeah sure, that's you can't use it to login on SN with LNURL-auth. Muun doesn't support any LNURL. Why? BECAUSE IS NOT A LIGHTNING WALLET!
It supports LNURL withdraw
I'll repeat once again. "I understand the hate for muun, but its just ahead in UX"
BTW LNURL tools are not part of the LN protocol. :)
BTW phoenix user here :)
No is not. Also the UX is just a fancy name to fool lazy people with hidden things. That QR code is useless and dumb. Make people dumb actually.
Who in the right mind is using today in 2022 onchain transactions at a daily basis? You use onchain exclusively to open and close LN channels. All the regular transactions you are doing them over LN.
So that feature they introduce is just trash and confusing.
Dude, nobody cares about your rage issues here. go find help. "dumb" people can be people smarter than you , who have better things in life than being on internet spreading hate.
This is not hate, is correcting wrong things, wrong thinking, like yours.
There is no "wrong" thinking in bitcoin, you pay the fee, you can upload a porn movie on the blockchain if you want, its open for everyone.
ALSO YOU KNOW that having your funds secured on the blockchain is MORE secure than having it on a lightning channel, and wallets like muun can be useful and GOOD if you KNOW what are you doing.
Now... you can't say that using a wallet and hit on receive and get your money is not better UX than asking "dumb people" to choose between a bunch of QR codes (LNURL addresses, BOLT11, SEGWIT on chain, legacy on chain, etc).
Introducing new people to bitcoin is what will make this ecosystem grow. We need better UX for "dumb people" and we should reward the people who is working for it.
I agree. What many die-hard Bitcoiners don't seem to understand is that the vast majority of people will go for convenience and a nice UX. They're not going to learn what a node is, let alone run one. Neither do they care what LNURL is.
And we want mass adoption right? Then hate for wallets like Muun is only counter-productive. You can use the wallet of your own liking, but most people will use what's convenient and reliable.
I miss a sense of realism and pragmatism. Calling people who haven't spent hundreds of hours studying Bitcoin ''dumb'' or ''lazy'' is very off-putting. Other people simply have other priorities in life and if they'll ever use a Bitcoin/lightning wallet, it'll be one that doesn't require much time and effort.
Muun is a great tool that makes trade-offs to have quality UX. I personally don't mind using it as a way to navigate between on-chain and lightning ecosystems without needing to run a lightning node and manage channels.
While there may be valid criticism for how their workaround allows this it is definitely an accessible tool for someone to start their bitcoin journey. Obviously I won't recommend it for storing a large stack but it's another useful tool in the broader bitcoin ecosystem.
I agree. It just works.. Reliably.. and it’s easy to use
That said, I’ve never tested the recovery kit. Have you?
No, I haven't.
The following text is from the recovery tool read.me, and this is probably the reason why no one has done it. is not easy to do it. but I guess you have the option to do it.

You can use this tool to swipe all the funds in your muun account to an address of your choosing.
To do this you will need:
  • The recovery code, that you set up when you created your muun account
  • The two encrypted private keys that you exported from your muun wallet
  • A destination Bitcoin address where all your funds will be sent
The process of scanning the blockchain to recover your funds can take several hours, please be ready to keep it running. The scan starts at the block your wallet was created to make it faster, but depending on when that was it can take long.


  1. Install golang
  2. Open a terminal window
  3. Run this code:
git clone https://github.com/muun/recovery
cd recovery
go run -mod=vendor .
i think you’re right, appreciate your nuanced take.