I don't have an issue with people critizing us - I actually want people to give us feedback on what we can do better. But this is not what this post is about. We've seen actual censorship happening on r/bitcoin and mods alleging we are scammers every time someone mentions our wallet. Why lock down threads so nobody can discuss anymore? Why label user posts "Misleading" as soon as someone mentions their BitBox02?
To your points:
  1. I get it - partially. I think having a bitcoin-only version and a version that supports all kinds of coins actually does let bitcoin stand out. Because there's no "ethereum only" or "cardano only" version. We are reacting to demand from our customers and when the multi-edition doesn't sell anymore, we're more than happy to not work on it anymore. At least I myself identify as a Bitcoin-Maxi and so do many others in our company.
Tbf what the multi-edition supports is literally just a fraction of the stuff trezor and ledger support, so it's not like we waste time implementing each and every shitcoin on coinmarketcap. It's only the top ~5 coins.
  1. I don't think it's that easy. There's actual security benefits to having a USB connection (like anti-klepto or device attestation). You can't just claim that "a hardware wallet needs to be airgapped". This imho is misleading and will lead people buying airgapped hardware wallets that will end up being insecure.
Regarding concessions about security, verifiability or morality: All our products are FOSS, the BitBox02 is incredibly secure and we as a company are at the top of transparency. We pioneered secure multisig, we've implemented Taproot before other "bitcoin only" wallets, we developed Anti-Klepto (FOSS). I wish other companies would be held to the same standards as us.
Again, all of these things deserve to be discussed. Deleting, banning, mislabeling, stickying opinions does not help anyone but lazy reddit mods that are not interested in a discussion.