I agree with you here, lets say I am X wallet, I can use some of my marketing budget to seed people to give me reviews and build my account by volume, which is why I think they have their work cut out for them to try and curate the content they have on their site
You would need to build in additional mechanisms to create reputation management or it just devolves into the same unreliable feedback you get on Amazon or IMDB for example, but with sats flowing between parties, it could hypercharge the wrong incentives
A review site that also has no way to way to curb bad incentives or have a financial penalty will end in spam, purchased reviews, and reviews for rewards and drown out the real reviews
A Bitcoin wallet should not need any "marketing" campaign or shill. A wallet app should speak for itself. Exactly like Bitcoin.
Yes, there are many types of wallets and users MUST know the differences and make their own decisions. As i tried to explain in this old SN post.
A Bitcoin service (exchange, business, marketplace etc) is also quite difficult to have a good review, because not everybody will use it in the same way or for the same thing. Yes, must be some delimitation and categories, where the user could choose.
And remember: 99% of people doing reviews (for anything) are mean. When I go to a restaurant or a placed reviewed on internet, I never look to the "opinions" on TripAdvisor or such.. are totally USELESS and lies.