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1 sat \ 0 replies \ @glix 19 Aug 2023 \ parent \ on: Bitcoin GitHub Metadata Backup and Mirror bitcoin
I would like to know as well. :)
But we know It's a number written in base16. My guess is there's some significance of that number - 45324.
Yup, correct. If you have closed/opened channels or had force closures, then those UTXOs are pretty much linked already. If you care for privacy enough, you might want to mix them and then send them to your desired destination.
If all you want to do is not link UTXOs, I suggest you spend the whole UTXO into another electrum/sparrow wallet and manage it there. Because of the nature of how lightning nodes work, you should treat all UTXOs of that node to be inherently linked. The thing is, lnd does have the capability of "freezing" an output. They call it "lease output" more here. However most lnd node managers (I suppose that's what you mean by "lnd wallets") don't implement this as it's far below in the priority.
And yes, DON'T convert the AEZEED seed into BIP39 and manage it externally WHILE your node is still online. That's not the purpose of those converters
I find the words "custodial" and "non-custodial" non-intuitive. I always find myself performing mental gymnastics to understand what is being point towards. "Self-hosted lightning addresses" is quicker to understand than "Non-custodial lightning addresses" imo
Ordinals are super cool. The concept of inscribing ordinals is even cooler. Actual NFTs on the blockchain. Obviously don't expect cryptopunks type quality here. If you have deep pockets though, then a fairly detailed png should be no problem to inscrbe. People should talk more about ordinals. Super cool!
At the expense of sounding rude — this just seems like a of node runners page, nothing special. Beats me why you need such an elaborate website, ultimately explaining nothing. Am I missing something?
If you are seeing this now - Update lnd version to v0.15.2-beta immediately. Not doing so, will make your lnd node stuck in "syncing to blockhain" mode forever.
Lnd Release 0.15.2 - https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/releases/tag/v0.15.2-beta
Well technically, yes. But if you look at it that way, then amazon owns a lot private info belonging to other huge corporations that use their services. Amazon tells you that the data is "secure" and they respect their customer's data, but how far does their "concern" for your data goes, i don't know either. Someone more knowledgeable with the legal technicalities of cloud providers and their obligations to the state should be able to tell you more. But, obviously, if the state is involved - you are stupid to think that CIA doesn't already have the info and capabilities to read any byte stored across any disk that AWS controls. If you want to fight the USD hegemony, you can't use their own infrastructure on their own land (includes land they bought in other countries) to defeat them - that's being stupid, and the opposite of sovereign. Uncle Sam will come for you if he wants to.
It worked for me. Did your browser reload the page? That should have caused it to not work. It took me around a minute after payment for the image to render, while there was a loading spinner on the screen
The draining liquidity part is so real. It happens very very quickly lol. I wasn't able to use your swap service for even 100k sats the other day. The dynamic fees route sounds the most logical to me. That way, it will protect the last remaining liquidity from unnecessary usage and only allow nodes who actually want to use it meaningfully. I think zero fee routing (the node) disables the channel altogether itself when they don't have more than 50% on their side (they might have changed this strategy now, not sure)