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5 sats \ 0 replies \ @alt 22h \ on: Why do banks even have security? bitcoin
the security isn't to stop the bank losing money. it's to stop criminals from gaining money.
if the bank loses the cash they can just print more, so there's no issue for them. but, they can't allow us plebs to get huge amounts of cash without working for it. only they have that privilege.
Slow down, breathe, and don't be afraid of stopping talking to think or take a sip of water.
Nervous speakers feel the need to fill silence with filler words (umm, err, etc), or will ramble on quickly with their speech.
Confident speakers will embrace silent moments and allow them to exist naturally. In fact, allowing moments of silence can be very useful because it gives you a chance to take a deep breath, or to have a quick sip of water, or just collect your thoughts, whilst simultaneously giving your audience chance to digest your words and reflect.
any ride at a theme park involving water. why the hell would anybody want to go on a log-flume, for example? what a stupid idea getting yourself soaked in water while fully clothed, then having to spend the rest of the day slightly damp.
Get a refurbished mini pc and install Linux. I got a Lenovo think centre, 8th gen intel i3, 8gb ram, 512gb SSD for £80. installed Debian on it. attached some usb hard disks, now it's a server.
far more powerful than a raspberry pi and barely more expensive.
Isn't this mistakenly assuming that bitcoin is only used when it is moved?
I use bitcoin every day, by leaving it exactly where it is.
Defence stocks won't go up or down based on whether I invest in them. If I invest, it won't prolong the wars, and of I don't invest, it won't cut them short.
The death and destruction is happening anyway and will continue to happen. Why shouldn't I make money off that?
It's not like I'm even making money from the violence, I'm just making money from the movement of a number on a screen that's somehow connected to a company that builds the tools of the violence.
I've been considering this (to a minor degree) for the past few years. Just not rolling the clocks forward this spring, and living my life in GMT.
Have there been any significant hurdles for you? Living in the US, you have different time zones, so maybe you're used to thinking across tzs? In the UK we have one time zone so I can't imagine it's easy to live every day in two times?
Had roast pork with my parents last week, turned out my dad had trimmed the pork fat and thrown it out instead of making it into crackling.
Reasoning: it is just fat and therefore it's bad for you. I tried to argue it was probably one of the healthier parts of the whole meal, but the fat was already in the bin.
Afterwards we had a choice of sugary desserts, manufactured on an assembly line. Supposedly they weren't bad enough to warrant being thrown out...
The cat is out of the bag at this point, Bitcoin has been a self-sustaining thing for a long time. Satoshi, if he came back, couldn't change anything fundamental. His only advantage would be a social one (people might take his opinion more seriously because of who he is). He couldn't force bitcoin to change, so there is no reason to do anything differently.
I haven't looked into it, but I strongly suspect you're right on the mark with that last remark.
I think a great deal of the benefits that come from the carnivore diet aren't actually from cutting out non-meat food, but rather are from cutting out all the highly processed cereals and grains.
Fruit and vegetables are good for you, so is meat, and natural un-processed carbs. It's the artificial stuff that contains a billion ingredients that's the problem.
I was gonna say, of all the games they could have chosen...
What a sad legacy for humanity if we all die off, but a copy of Starfield remains on the moon until the end of time.
Another view, maybe this will be the gateway drug for shitcoiners to start valuing those things that bitcoin does well.
From what I've seen a lot of shitcoiners haven't even heard of the Lightning network, and most of those who have heard of it don't actually know what it is. Maybe this will draw them in?
Wouldn't you consider those to be exceptions that prove the rule? If a child is born with an extra X chromosome, we don't hold our hands up and say that they are some new third gender, we instead see that they are a man with Klinefelter syndrome.
I think most other species also don't plan toward the future when exploiting their habitats. In this regard we are much like all other animals. The difference is that we are intelligent enough to exploit our environment to the maximal degree, but not intelligent enough to care about the consequences. If animals were smarter they would destroy the environment too.