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99 sats \ 0 replies \ @RoundaboutStacker 20 Oct 2024 \ on: Man Spends 38 Years Digging a Tunnel Through a Mountain by Hand based
Considering he lost all of his family before heading west, It sounds like he needed something to do to keep his mind busy as he worked through a lot of emotions. Seems no one really knows for sure, but its easy for me to imagine it was related.
Not to be a pain, and noting it can be fun to take a line out of context, couldn't help but notice this direct quote from the article: "These results underscore the need for more sex"
Just another day in big banking. Crimes that will go mostly unpunished, and money printing like there is no tomorrow.
You may be experiencing the desperate narcissists who are always looking for fresh supply of attention. The people who might care about you are not going to be sharing sob stories for quick hits of attention.
Who were the GeoEngineers, who paid for it, and who approved it?
There are people here who are accountable for this, why do we know nothing about them, their goals, and why are they not being brought to justice for creating this massively destructive hurricane?
You are on the right track with this question. It needs to be open source, as well as decentralised. It needs to be possible for anyone to audit it, and also provide privacy. I have heard of projects moving in this direction, some look fairly good (can't remember what it was called right now). The last I heard about it was that it needs to grow through grass roots usage. So before it is ready for a highly publicised national election with tons of contention, it needs to be good enough for your school board election, or in your clubs, or gatherings. Then, as it gains awareness and proven stability, it can grow to larger and larger elections. Its not that it can't be done, its that nothing has established itself, yet.
I could imagine something where each citizen gets their digital ballot, and then for the election, submits their voting ballot for their candidate. Their entry is completely private, yet viewable by them. And, everyone can see their vote selection.
Good point, so if Coinbase is the fiduciary for the ETF's, which they are, and if they are not getting audited, which they aren't, they could be doing anything. Including fractional reserve banking the Bitcoin. It seems reasonable to assume they are not holding all the Bitcoin they are selling, but since they are now in the big boys club, maybe this doesn't matter to them anymore. Which raises the question, how much reserve are the holding, or how much leverage on the Bitcoin are the allowing?
Yep, Blackrock will certainly get bailed out. Which does raise the question on what Coinbase is doing. They are the 'new kid on the block' and are just learning all the leverage techniques of the big boys. And if they want to do business with the big boys they will need to play by the rules set by the big boys.