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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @zapsammy 27 Mar \ parent \ on: Stacker Saloon
order-following minions, no different than dogs on a leash, with owners.
great 2008 movie about addiction and side-effects of the anti-psychotics.
i call them demon drugs, and lump Ozempic into the same category.
the guy was such an extreme left-brained psychopath, that he swung all the way to the right-brained psychopathy. by psychopathy i literally mean pathology of psyche, imbalanced thought process.
factor (n.): from Latin factor "doer, maker, performer," in Medieval Latin, "agent," agent noun from past participle stem of facere "to do."
i agree that bitcoiners best have their own Great Resets once in a while.
i think the dollar profit is a byproduct of the actual mission - total enslavement. at some point money as we know it will become irrelevant, because people's obedience, whether forced or voluntary, will be the money. that is when bitcoin shall become something other than "money."
here is a 3 hour seminar for those who want to learn something cool. the false propaganda machine is playing people's perceptions like a fiddle. believe nothing, trust nobody, verify everything.
i think that people will dream more, and have both eyes open less. creation starts with creative planning, which happens in the balanced (mediated) mind (the 3rd eye). sometimes this happens over hours of sleep and sometimes after a brief blink of an eye; it makes sense to maximize time in the "mental creation room."
if u think about it, for most of the day, it is unnecessary to have the eyes wide open all the time. however, when it is time to take in the sun, moon, and starlight, they shud be wide open. when one is concentrating on a serious intense task, eyes shud also be wide-open.
so it is possible that people will communicate thru dreams, however idk what that wud look like. there will probably be a dumbed-down version of that thru surveilled neurotelecommunication.
one day he shall leave, and stacker.news will suffer under the avalanche of wrong-thinkers & wrong-doers, at which point the only reasonable solution wud be to create a Darth-bot, in order to keep away the scammers/spammers/wrong-thinkers. or hopefully by then the wise stackers will have enough knowledge of how to prevent degeneracy.
i think it wud be pretty cool to have recommended comments and entire threads as well as posts that are relevant to the post that i am reading. maybe u cud experiment with noting which threads accumulate the most action (sats and/or CC's) and presenting them for observation.
the rubber is precisely what blocks the flow of electrons to-and-from ground. another way to discharge or recharge is by petting an animal that has been running around barepawed.
i think that the bigger the animal, the more charge u can exchange with it. maybe that's why people like to ride horses and elephants.
after i started going barefoot and rock-climbing barefoot especially, i have noticed that the toe bunion started to disappear. the operations (bone carpentry) to correct bunions sometimes look pretty gnarly, but people do no learn early enough how to not let the bunion progress, potentially reverse it, and how to use their toes at all.
i am pretty sure that God did not intentionally design people in a way as to be fixed by a bone carpenter later in life (or sometimes early in life).