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110 sats \ 0 replies \ @windward 11 Dec 2024 \ on: Advice for home mining bitcoin_Mining
this winter I have been running an antminer S9 setup in a CryptoCloaks case. thoughts:
you can run it at whatever wattage is right for you. at about 800w I'm heating my apartment and getting around 10/TH.
unmodified, noise is a thing. Not as bad if it's downclocked, but still definitely noticeable. think vacuum in the next room over. you can add fans to make it quieter as well.
it can be plugged directly into the wall for most US homes, so that was nice to figure out
I’ve noticed that some wallets massively overshoot the fee rate. What is that about?
It's mostly UX for the end users. Most people outside of BTC are used to near instant payments with their mobile apps- real easy to do with a centralized database.
A user who doesn't understand or care about watching fee rates just wants their funds sent ASAP - for them, higher fee rates are better (but not really).
what does this article about a non-american stabbing another non American cop in Germany have to do with American politics?
did you just post this because you don't like Muslims?
What is the actual argument you're trying to make here?
I'm not going to do the work for you- explain yourself
Barry is the head of the party
So why does he need to have a house in order to control Biden?
Biden represents Barry third term
Because he was Obama's VP and head of the party- what does this have to do with him owning a home?
You're the one who brought up the man's home -make it relevant or just declare your biases upfront so honest conversation can be had.
Regarding policy, Obama was a disaster especially health care of ACA which has made healthcare unaffordable
And his ACA was damn near a copy of what Republicans were doing in Massachusetts at the time.
Notice how long it took you to discuss anything the president actually did vs who the person is?
Why do you suppose that is?
Sounds like you are voting for Biden
Barry owns a house in DC because he is the puppet master for Biden
Obama is a former president and former head of the Democratic Party, Biden is literally his former VP and current president - do you think that a singular piece of property in his name is going to magically make him more able to control Biden than that initial relationship?
I don’t have a problem with blacks owning houses. Much better than section 8 public housing which is problematic but you and I digress
Your anti-blackness is showing. You aren't actually really speaking to what Obama did either, just making another reference to him being black again and tying blackness to public housing.
If you didn't have an issue with Obama because he is black this wouldn't be relevant to bring up.
I never said Barry was a closet Muslim but he did celebrate Ramadan at the White House.
Why would a president voted in on a platform of 'bringing people together' want to celebrate a holiday shared by a major voting bloc of his constituents?
A presidential first and hopefully the last Ramadan celebration at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
You do realize that none of this is policy just how you feel about his perceived core identity, right?
Trump actually left DC once his term ended.
Not without kicking and screaming, and not before getting his supporters killed trying to reinstate him. pretty sure that's a presidential first.
No other ex president since Woodrow Wilson has stayed in DC except Barry.
The fact that Obama owns a home in DC is not relevant unless you think black people owning homes in wealthy areas is a problem. Why do you believe that black people owning homes in DC is an issue?
When is Obama going to come out of the closet?
a closet muslim, and even the anti-christ
and we're back to the bullshit. instead of attacking actual policy, the core opposition is to who Obama is vs what they did
yeah, but not because he thought that he needed to follow the law but because he didn't have support to stay.
the thing that Obama was accused of planning to do, Trump actually tried.
If people were 'crying wolf' when it was suggested that Obama might not want to leave office peacefully, what should the response be when Trump asked his supporters to stop the count of electoral votes in the Capitol Building?
I remember being with people calling Obama weak, a closet muslim, and even the anti-christ. It was absurd. I remember conservatives saying he'd put people in camps. He's never leave office. He was destroying the military. Losing the war on terror. In truth he was Bush 2.0 with better marketing.
a closet muslim, and even the anti-christ.
this reaction from conservatives is because he was black-not based on something Obama actually said or did. As you mentioned, he's Bush 2.0 - the actual policies that were pushed by the Democrats weren't that indistinguishable from the Romney campaign.
the resistance was because someone conservatives viewed as 'lesser' was in charge, not policy.
in contrast:
He's never leave office
Trump refused to concede the election & had his supporters try to stop the count of votes in the capital.
Or buy an inbound channel from any other LSP
Buying inbound is underrated. makes life loads easier.
Also the guide is mint, plz read it @BallLightning
But since I am experimenting I want to know why I can't receive on my current channel setup.
It's a Zeus thing. Your node has to be online & it does not run in the background (others do this, Zeus does not in my experience.). You've got to open it up to get it 'online' each time.
Are you using the embedded node? If so, the app needs to be open as the main app in order to receive payments.
What I would recommend is signing up for Zeus's LN address service. This will create an LN address(similar to the one that stacker.news provides) that creates a HODL Invoice for your node - when you send to your Zeus address, then switch back to Zeus you can go and 'collect' your payment when you come back online (by opening the app).
If you aren't 100% or 120%, what would you need to see happen to go this far in?
I'd like to go further, actually, but I'm looking for advice on how to do so.
i rent an apartment. my landlord does not accept BTC as payment for rent, or my other direct bills. I use Fold for that.
Any leftover gets paid via payroll in BTC & sent directly to my own node.
My home is heated with an S9. I would like to look at other ideas with more hashrate if possible.
what should I do to go further?
Run your own Cashu or Fedi mint on StartOS, Raspiblitz, Umbrel, etc.
On Umbrel there is a Nutstash wallet that is browser based - you could text someone a cashu wallet tied to a token & your node that way.
the reason why they did USDC is so that they could avoid creating a very public taxable event for unsuspecting New Yorkers who just wanted a slice of pizza
could have just used https://boardwalkcash.com/setup and done the same thing, and at least it'd be on bitcoin
the thing about social engineering attacks is that they aren't really technical people using them necessarily- it's people short circuiting the 'dont trust, verify ' part of our brain.
please understand that the kind of skills used to steal your bitcoin have been used before at Western Unions,banks, etc and definitely not refined, they're just hoping you didn't understand them moving over to a new platform.
300 sats \ 0 replies \ @windward 7 May 2024 \ parent \ on: More People use Android than Windows tech
I think a computer is much more complex for many than a mobile device
I think it's less about simplicity and more about affordability/necessity.
mobile phones come with phone numbers - still a a requirement in order to seek employment/access government resources in the US.
also, most mobile phone plans in the US have subsidies for purchasing phones - so people are getting them on credit.
I haven't had the need to fix mine yet, but I do browse around for resoruces just in case.
D-Central Tech sells refurbished hashboards for the S9 (shipping from Canada)
They also have a maintenance & repair guide that I too need to go over.