pull down to refresh

Is the following easily achievable currently? Or on anyone's roadmap? 
  • Run your own Cashu or Fedi mint on SartOS, Raspiblitz, Umbral, etc.
  • Generate a link for a friend/family member to a web wallet that comes pre-funded with 10,000 sats of eCash from your own mint
    • Ideally this would be quick to do on the fly, and they would get a link that would just open up with a balance and be useable
    • A blatent reminder to back-up would be nice, but also important for demo purposes to just work off the bat
  • They’re able to spend those sats anywhere in an Uncle Jim scenario without having to learn about channel management
  • If they want, they can move funds to a different eCash/Fedi mint, send to a lightning wallet of theirs, etc.
I saw this LNBits extension, but it seems no longer maintained: https://github.com/cashubtc/lnbits-cashu?tab=readme-ov-file
Mutiny used to have a gifting feature to gift funded lightning wallets, but, it would take the channel opening fee off the gift amount right off the bat, which always led to questions about where that fee went. Doing the same with eCash sounds much better for small value demos.
Run your own Cashu or Fedi mint on StartOS, Raspiblitz, Umbrel, etc.
On Umbrel there is a Nutstash wallet that is browser based - you could text someone a cashu wallet tied to a token & your node that way.
Nice, I'll have to check that out, thanks
It's only the wallet, not the mint. You should look into nutshell for running a mint.
Yea, I plan to play around with Nutstash to see if I can send a link that contains ecash, and also have the recipient automatically connect to a mint of my recommending. It might already be possible; I only tried briefly but it still seemed like I had to manually add a mint first, even after clicking the link. Next step will be trying out Nutshell on StartOS to make my own mint.