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13 sats \ 1 reply \ @spain 1 Jul 2022 \ parent \ on: 🌊⚡️ The Bitcoin Ecosystem Moment (pt. 1) bitcoin
Ah, one more thing: Use less moving pictures (GIFs). Not everyone in this world have easy time looking at moving things and they may skip this article on the first notice of such.
As for feed-back, try to use less smilies. But you get some feed-back also by not receiving many comments and also not so many sats (thanks for not doing a honeypot by sending sats to yourself from another account of yours, which would pretend there is high interest of general SN public and maybe some more would try to read this article).
I think LN is serving as a UTXO mixer for those who have too many hundreds of millions of sats. All the single-digit millionaires who started to use any kind of pre-made "interfaces" (RaspiBlitz, mynode, etc. - some of which are ad-supported and bring a lot of confusion to newcomers) just recently and have no other hands-on experience with administering UNIX-like systems seem to be looking just at the possibility of earning fees. The builder here is https://zerofeerouting.com/ and that is not even a company. They also started from scratch, learning things on the way, which is fair as long as you know what you don't know (intellectual humility).
One thing that I think will not work in the new Bitcoin-economy is writing articles with the focus on changing public opinion without any real technological advances. And there is always a bunch of people who will not even waste their time reading or replying to articles like this and many other open-questions and proposals (incl. those on bitcoin-dev mailing list). Please step down back to Earth. Everyone of us have a few people in their lives who are important and it is all just our choice if we use the time we have here for thinking about how to get rich or rather focusing on the little real things we can do to influence lives of other for better.
If I could offer you one thing for the future, read the Satoshi's whitepaper (https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf). And then do it again. It is very easy to find it and its sha256 checksum is
.The code was adapted from https://lnurl.fiatjaf.com/codec/ (bundle.js
Thanks to @fiatjaf!
https://price.bublina.eu.org/yearly-low.html updated daily
By giving it
sat boost, you scream "This is a commercial ad". Everything fine with that, just please be mindful of the culture here. Good luck, @lncapital!Thanks for sharing! How good it is that even trading videos today say "Not your keys, not your coins." and they mean Bitcoin coins. Wow. Nice comprehensive voice.
Yes. I see your point. Just that the reason I use command line is the same. It's hard for me to use the mouse/pointer and almost impossible to get repeatable results (if not using
for automation).Old spoiler. Allow me at least one more day of fame next time please. Just kidding 😅
Yes, it's right.
No worries. I run some nodes with
and some with 2000
. Also much raised maxorphantx
and mempoolexpiry
. And of course there are much more such higher-limit-nodes. And some even keep manually rebroadcasting each transaction in the big mempool they keep, like if it was comming from them using a script like following:#!/bin/sh
trap "rm -rfv ${TMPL}*; exit 1" EXIT INT QUIT
printf "Preparing current mempool txid snapshot... "
bitcoin-cli getrawmempool \
| sed '/^\[/d;/^\]/d;s/,$//;s/^ //;s/^"//;s/"$//' \
| split -l 256 -a 5 - $TMPL \
&& echo done
ls $TMPL* >/dev/null 2>&1 \
|| { echo "Mempool empty. Sleeping."; sleep 60; exec $0; }
printf "Broadcasting: "
for file in $TMPL*; do
{ printf '['
cat $file | while read tx
test -n "$tx" || continue
RAW=$(bitcoin-cli getrawtransaction $tx 2>/dev/null) || continue
printf '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "send", "method": "sendrawtransaction", "params": ["%s"]},' $RAW
printf '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "getbc", "method": "getblockcount", "params": []}]\n'
} | curl -s --user $USER --data-binary @- -H 'content-type: text/plain;' >/dev/null \
&& { rm $file && printf .; } \
|| { echo "ERR $file"; exit 1; }
echo done
sleep 20
exec $0
@k00b thanks, the indentation of the lines is fixed!
See now, the zero-price gap since the genesis block was added and even now it looks smooth (compared to altcoins).
I just tried yesterday and it seems the free sats were removed altogether as @qecez suggests. Works for me and I feel safer now :-) Thank you!
Thank you! By the way I really suggest everyone who wants a dark mode to install https://darkreader.org/ whereas the current SN is wonderfully simple and compatible (looks good) with it…