As for feed-back, try to use less smilies. But you get some feed-back also by not receiving many comments and also not so many sats (thanks for not doing a honeypot by sending sats to yourself from another account of yours, which would pretend there is high interest of general SN public and maybe some more would try to read this article).
I think LN is serving as a UTXO mixer for those who have too many hundreds of millions of sats. All the single-digit millionaires who started to use any kind of pre-made "interfaces" (RaspiBlitz, mynode, etc. - some of which are ad-supported and bring a lot of confusion to newcomers) just recently and have no other hands-on experience with administering UNIX-like systems seem to be looking just at the possibility of earning fees. The builder here is and that is not even a company. They also started from scratch, learning things on the way, which is fair as long as you know what you don't know (intellectual humility).
One thing that I think will not work in the new Bitcoin-economy is writing articles with the focus on changing public opinion without any real technological advances. And there is always a bunch of people who will not even waste their time reading or replying to articles like this and many other open-questions and proposals (incl. those on bitcoin-dev mailing list). Please step down back to Earth. Everyone of us have a few people in their lives who are important and it is all just our choice if we use the time we have here for thinking about how to get rich or rather focusing on the little real things we can do to influence lives of other for better.
If I could offer you one thing for the future, read the Satoshi's whitepaper (bitcoin.pdf). And then do it again. It is very easy to find it and its sha256 checksum is b1674191a88ec5cdd733e4240a81803105dc412d6c6708d53ab94fc248f4f553.
Did my essay somehow intimidate you?
I don't follow the passive-aggressive nature of your reply. Especially because you're jumping all over the place.
I noticed that Lightning 10x'ed the amount of venture capital, developers, founders, and products with decent PMF in the bitcoin space and felt the need to share my thoughts so that I can potentially motivate a couple of people to think about this more, instead of simply hodling.
I got a lot of value from what you've shared, and I'm most certainly not focused on getting rich. I'm interested in how the space is evolving and what's on the horizon - in this regard I learned a lot, so thank you.
Ah, one more thing: Use less moving pictures (GIFs). Not everyone in this world have easy time looking at moving things and they may skip this article on the first notice of such.
Yeah, maybe one or two would've sufficed, agreed.