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Thanks for the info, that looks great, would like to replicate in my country.
Will wait a few more hours for replies, otherwise you'll get the bounty.
Could you post this on any of those groups? I checked on Telegram and I need to be invited.
- By replying to the post, or on SimpleX group too
- It's Contabo, the VPS was cancelled but i need to pay one more month.
I'll send the mail with the link to pay it and then send the sats to SN wallet or any of buyers choosing. I guess there's an escrow issue, but I would never blow my reputation for 5 bux (or $5000)
Imagine paying taxes to fund the complete obliteration of a community for the purpose of taking their land.
These type of people are always waiting for solutions from above, they lack the courage and personal responsibility of taking matters on their own hand. This is imo the worst legacy of the state virus in people's minds.
I've seen student protests here in my country for many reasons: public education budget cuts, police abuses, military crimes... In one of those a student was killed and it broke my heart to think that it was all for nothing. Their protests only legitimate master-slave relationship between individuals and their governments. Lefties are even more statists than the right wing fellows.
This is interesting and I believe in a way ideal (or idealistic?) but I still can't reconcile the fact that creators, writers and musician need some way to pay the bills and their way of life. Are they supposed to depend on the good faith of consumers to give them value?
That said I still haven't heard the podcast and I believe there's still a lot to dig down this rabbit hole. I know some musicians and writers and I can see the retribution model we're using for those professions is broken.
arbitrage in human historythreat to bitcoin adoption