I want this for two reasons / use-cases.
1- I want to run an app, but focus on the business logic of my app, not worry about channels. I want cheap channels in and out, to give my users a good experience. I'm fine to subsidize the cost to run it, because my business generates a yield, so the channels are just a cost item on my income statement.
2 - I am a rational. I want to run a node, allocate capital to it, and generate money on the fees, but don't have the time. I'm fine if it's not optimal, I just want the yield to be good enough to justify the hosting cost, cause I'm already sitting on the BTC anyway.
  1. if it also benefits the network as a whole, then the time is worth it
  2. dont expect to yield a material profit but ensuring things settle without issues and I am supporting the activity across network and success for other payments, then am good with it