Can you share some more info about wasabi sharing data?
There are also a bunch of PDFs circulating around but I'm on my phone rn.
Very interesting. It perfect the enemy of good though? I have never heard these criticisms of Wasabi before. I did find the coinjoins a bit slow and am happy to try something else. Is there a good robust single wallet solution for coin-joining and managing a HW?
Being potentially state captured is far from good, nevermind captured.
Is there a good robust single wallet solution for coin-joining and managing a HW?
Sparrow (desktop-only)
Imo you should not manage a hw on a phone anyway. You should only use the hw for spending which should be rare. For receiving and tracking your savings, use the hw xpub to create a watch-only wallet in any bitcoin wallet app (e.g. bluewallet).
Yes I would not imagine managing via phone, just HW watch only.